Things You SHOULD Do After a Mastectomy

Blog | Mastectomy Vs. Lumpectomy | The Husbands Point of View

Blog | Preparing for a Mastectomy

Preparing for a Mastectomy
It is important to take some time before your surgery to prepare for the healing phase. There are some crucial steps to take getting everything ready around the house, and getting all the items you will need to heal comfortably and conveniently.
Blog | Getting Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

MY STORY GETTING DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER I was diagnosed with breast cancer after a lumpectomy. I went in for my first mammogram and it showed an abnormality. After a biopsy I was diagnosed with Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia. From what I could understand, that meant that the breast tissue was rapidly dividing and was abnormal. But it is not cancer. They stressed this a lot to me. The surgeon described it like a corn field. He said that most women's breast tissue is like the Sahara Desert. But he said mine is like Iowa soil. What happens if you plant...
Blog | Eating to Prepare for Surgery
breast cancer juicing mastectomy tips prepare for surgery

(always check with your doctor regarding any diet. This is just information on what I personally did) I would not consider myself a healthy eater in the past. I loved fast food, and did not take very seriously eating fruits and veggies. I really didn't think it would make any difference in the way I felt. If I wanted to loose some weight, I would usually do a low-carb diet, which did not lend itself to eating much fruit either. With recently getting diagnosed with breast cancer, and having to prepare for a mastectomy, I have completely changed my...