Diagnosed with Breast Cancer and Scared - READ THIS!

Just found out you need surgery for your Breast Cancer and you're scared, but…. It’s Not Time For That! Getting ready for your surgery is an emotional time. I have been there! I get it. Do you believe that our mood affects our health? I can tell you, 100% that it does. When we are depressed, stressed, and tired, our bodies are not at their best. Many admit getting sick, laying around the house, and just not feeling like doing anything. Now compare that to the person that feels strong, optimistic, and excited! Completely different actions, emotions, and viewpoint...
Product Overview | Pink Pepper Co Post Mastectomy Items

Mastectomy Shirt This T-Shirt is essential to the healing process. Your range of motion will be limited in your arms after your surgery. The open front design is very helpful so you can get dressed easily without lifting your arms over your head. The 100% cotton is breathable, soft and super comfortable. This top is perfect for sleeping in after your surgery. Each T Shirt can hold a multiple drains on each side. This keeps them secure and in place, and therefore keeps you comfortable. It also keeps the drains concealed which is very handy when you visit your doctor...
Blog | Why you Need a Mastectomy Chest Pillow
I am asked, from time to time, do I need a mastectomy chest pillow? I answer with all my strength YES!!!!!! But why should I buy this type of pillow, and not a heart pillow, or even no pillow at all? Doesn’t the hospital send me home with what I need? Even if the hospital sends you home with a small square pillow, you need more. Let me explain why. There are other options out there, like a little heart shaped pillow, a free hospital pillow, or a little cushion for your seatbelt. These options are a lot less expensive,...
Gift Message Ideas for Breast Cancer

I Tried KETO for Cancer, Here is What Happened

I Tried KETO (for cancer) And Here is What Happened My Opinion of the Keto DietAfter putting it to the test There is a lot of talk of Keto, and some are sick of even hearing the word anymore. I was curious about the idea, thinking it was just another low carb diet. The more research I did, the more it intrigued me. As a cancer survivor, one of the best things I can do for my anxiety of cancer returning, is finding positive things I can do for my health. So I am very interested in what foods I...