Diagnosed with Breast Cancer and Scared - READ THIS!

Just found out you need surgery for your Breast Cancer and you're scared, but…. It’s Not Time For That!

Getting ready for your surgery is an emotional time.  I have been there! I get it.   Do you believe that our mood affects our health? I can tell you, 100% that it does.   When we are depressed, stressed, and tired, our bodies are not at their best.  Many admit getting sick, laying around the house, and just not feeling like doing anything.  Now compare that to the person that feels strong, optimistic, and excited!   Completely different actions, emotions, and viewpoint - right? 

It is with that same comparison that I want to talk to you about something important you need to do before surgery.  Get positive!  Please know that you are going to do GREAT!  The Dr.s are so good at what they do these days.  This is a very common surgery, one that is done every day across the nation.  In fact, did you know that 1 in 8 women will face breast cancer in their lifetime?  Let’s just say we are all in good company.  This is not a surgery that comes with high risk like other surgeries.   Be clear on that in your mind.

But how you think - how you feel - before this surgery matters.  I want you to do me a huge favor - from this moment on, anytime you have a negative or scared thought, just tell yourself “It is not time for that!”  Tell yourself in your mind - “NO.  I will not think about that - it is not the time for it.”   Put off any of that negative, awful thinking.  You know what I am talking about.  What will I do if?  But what if?   I know this advice, to some, may sound … well, dumb.  But - I had 3 surgeries, and the 2nd and harder one - I was in a good place.  I was at peace.  I didn’t allow anything negative to bounce around in my mind.  I told myself it was not time for that.   No “what ifs.”  And I recovered TWICE as fast from the more difficult surgery.  Why?  Because I was not stressed out, thinking about negative garbage. I fully believe it has to do with stress hormones, and how our body responds to what we think about. 

So do me, your family, and yourself a big favor - only happy, positive thinking right now.  OK?  Deep down, I didn’t believe it would matter.  But it really did! So my advice to you is do things you love.  That means weeks, not minutes, before surgery!  I love watching animals on Facebook and IG.   They make me laugh!  I love watching huskies talk back to their masters.  I love watching baby goats jumping around and being cute.   Set up an entire account to watch the things you love.   Keep it artificially happy, upbeat, and lively.   Unfortunately, our minds are powerful little instruments.  If we feed our thinking on the things we fear, things that will make us feel bad, we honestly weaken our ability to heal more quickly.  That’s exactly what I did on my first surgery.  So I can speak from experience.  I was wrong! This is advice from your Pink Sister on what you NEED TO DO!   Even if you feel, deep inside, this is silly (believe me, I did) - trust in it.  I promise it works!   And let your family and friends know the same thing.  Send them the link to this article.  Everyone should be talking about the good after you recover.  None of this gloom and doom thinking.   Also, I strongly recommend after reading this you check on my article about Keto.  This was helpful to me after my recovery.   It has given me hope and confidence about the future, and that I can and will be well!   You can too 💖   

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  • Scottie on

    Thank you for sharing your story. This is my second time around with being diagnosed.. I know I am the best hands and just like last time I will be cancer free again!! Prayers and blessings to everyone that have beat cancer, newly diagnosed, and re-diagnosed we will be fine and win again. We are SURVIVORS and WARRIORS!!

  • Marla Rosin-Borrousch on

    My turn! I just found out about my IDC after numerous biopsies. I meet with the surgeon tomorrow and am so grateful I found this site and all of your comments. My thoughts and fears overwhelm me sometimes, as I am the primary caretaker of both of my parents (dementia) who now live with me. I hope to push through with lots of laughter as that’s what’s gotten me through so far! Thanks for the information you all provide and the products we didn’t even know we needed!!

  • Mary Jordan on

    Thank you for your story. This is something no one ever wants to hear. Your suggestion of being positive is so true. I’m recovering from stage 1. Just out of hospital. Keeping your mind a good busy is very beneficial to recovery.

  • Melissa on

    I found out about your amazing product through someone on Facebook. Diagnosed with DCIS in my right breast 7/16. Double mastectomy with expanders scheduled for 9/8 which is a very significant date for me.
    Anyway I heard that these shirts would be extremely helpful so I was so glad that someone told me about your business!!

  • Ana on

    My friend gave me one of your shirts with pockets for drains.
    I didn’t even know this existed. I am a retired nurse and we always just pinned the drains to patient’s clothing. But my doctor suggested I get a lab coat type top with pockets. Well, I spent more than $100 buying tops and housecoats with pockets. On the outside! I even sewed on pockets inside a housecoat.
    I just ordered another one of your shirts yesterday. It gave me a reason to shop!
    My double mastectomy is on Tuesday, 8/2.
    I have ductal carcinoma in situ in right breast but because of family history I am being more aggressive with treatment/prevention.
    I found your website just in time. I wish I had found it sooner.
    And you are 100% right about stress and negative thoughts. I believe that is how I ended up with this diagnosis.

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